- Home Screen: Home screen of Delvepoint.
- “FILL FORM” Button: On every search form there is “FILL FORM” button and that is used to click and auto fill search field value from Case Information.
- Save Address, Phone, Relatives to a case: On the result page user can see different Save icons (like below) and that are used to click and save data to a case.

- Save Relative:
- When user trying to save Relative then below popup will be open and asked to add/update relative with selected Case Subject.

- After selecting subject system will alert below popup and allow to map Subject information with Relative information and then user can click “Save” button to save data to the Case Subject.
- Download/Save Search Result:
- From top bar “SEARCH OPTIONS” menu user can export search result.
- When user click on “EXPORT” then below popup will be open, where user can choose export format.
- Once user clicked on export format then system will prompt below message like “Do you want to save as Case Document?” If user say “OK” then report will be saved as Case Document into Files >> Documents tab with message “File saved as Case Document”.
- If user says“Cancel” then report will be download to a browser window.
- Download/Save Search Result: