If you have specific templates you would like investigators to follow when writing report entries, you can adjust your settings so that Investigators only have to choose from a drop-down menu of pre-determined options to complete report entries. These pre-determined options can be customized to your business needs, allowing you to have uniform reports from your investigators when it comes to how reports are written.

Enabling Strict Templates

To enable this feature, follow the below steps:

1) Go to "Settings" in the left-hand navigation bar, then click "Surveillance Report Entry Setting"

2) Select "YES" under "Strict template mode for investigator", then click "Save".

Note: This setting only applies to accounts marked as Investigator. If you are using an admin account strict templates are not available.

Pre-Written Content for Strict Templates

While strict templates are active for Investigators, they will have very limited abilities to type within report entries. With this being the case, you will need to create Pre-written content that will cover most situations that your investigators will encounter so they are able to effectively enter the information from their investigations. 

Please see the below link on how to create Pre-Written Content:


When it comes to strict templates, you can include variables that include drop-down options inside the content, or that allow an investigator to type some information. You would include the below variables in your pre-written content to give Investigators these options inside your pre-written content. 

Drop-down Box Variable - {{choose one | select | Choice 1 | Choice 2 | Choice 3 | Choice 4}}

Text box Variable - {{Label | textarea}}

Below is an example of what Pre-written content for Strict Templates

Example Template:

Investigator's View: